Change Log
Version 1.2 (17th May 2023)
- Add
for websocket streams
Version 1.1 (16th March 2022)
- Addition of request parameter
to allow return one side quote.
Version 1.0 (19th November 2021)
- Addition of
websocket topic to subscribe to price streams on the OTC market
Generating API Key
You will need to create an API key on the BTSE platform before you can use authenticated APIs. To create API keys, you can follow the steps below:
- Login with your username / email and password into the BTSE website
- Click on “Account” on the top right hand corner
- Select the API tab
- Click on “New API” button to create an API key and passphrase. (Note: the passphrase will only appear once)
- Use your API key and passphrase to construct a signature.
Streaming OTC quote
- Production
- Websocket
- Websocket
- Testnet
- Websocket
- Websocket
API Key (request-api)
- Parameter Name:
, in: header. API key is obtained from BTSE platform as a string
- Parameter Name:
API Key (request-nonce)
- Parameter Name:
, in: header. Representation of current timestamp in long format
- Parameter Name:
API Key (request-sign)
- Parameter Name:
, in: header. A composite signature produced based on the following algorithm: Signature=HMAC.Sha384 (secretkey, (urlpath + request-nonce + bodyStr)) (note: bodyStr = '' when no data):
- Parameter Name:
Streaming OTC
- Fetch market info via
Market Summary
OTC api if needed. - Subscribe to
Quote Stream
to get streaming otc quote along with quote ids periodically. - Please refer to
section for API to accept the quote- If users chooses to accept the quote, quote is sent to BTSE (Quote Accepted)
- If quote is accepted by BTSE, then transaction is completed (Transaction Completed)
- If quote rejected by BTSE, then BTSE will respond with an updated quote with reason of the rejection
Websocket Streams
For all our WebSocket servers, simply send a 'ping' message, and the WebSocket server will respond with a 'pong' message if the WebSocket connection is established and active.
"args":["APIKey", "nonce", "signature"]
Authenticate the websocket session to subscribe to authenticated websocket topics. Assume we have values as follows:
: 1624985375123request-api
: 4e9536c79f0fdd72bf04f2430982d3f61d9d76c996f0175bbba470d69d59816xsecret
: 848db84ac252b6726e5f6e7a711d9c96d9fd77d020151b45839a5b59c37203bx
Our subscription request will be:
"args":["4e9536c79f0fdd72bf04f2430982d3f61d9d76c996f0175bbba470d69d59816x", "1624985375123", "c410d38c681579adb335885800cff24c66171b7cc8376cfe43da1408c581748156b89bcc5a115bb496413bda481139fb"]
Request Parameters
Below details the arguments needed to be sent in.
Index | Type | Required | Description |
0 | string | Yes | First argument is the API key |
1 | long | Yes | Nonce which is the current timestamp |
2 | string | Yes | Generated signature |
Generating a signature
echo -n "/ws/otc1624985375123" | openssl dgst -sha384 -hmac "848db84ac252b6726e5f6e7a711d9c96d9fd77d020151b45839a5b59c37203bx"
(stdin)= c410d38c681579adb335885800cff24c66171b7cc8376cfe43da1408c581748156b89bcc5a115bb496413bda481139fb
Quote Stream
"op": "quote",
"symbol": "BTC-USD",
"side": "buy",
"clOrderId": "ClientOrder1",
"quantity": {
"quantity": 1,
"currency": "BTC"
"op": "unsubscribe-quote",
"symbol": "BTC-USD",
"clOrderId": "ClientOrder1",
"quantity": {
"quantity": 1,
"currency": "BTC"
"op": "unsubscribe-quote-all"
"topic": "quote",
"buyQuoteId": "015f05ba-1d55-46d7-94d9-214229414ae7",
"sellQuoteId": "0683a41a-a2ad-467b-99b3-241f3ab0cec4",
"clOrderId": null,
"buyQuantity": 10,
"buyUnitPrice": 47865.580838,
"buyTotalAmount": 478655.80838,
"sellQuantity": 10,
"sellUnitPrice": 47649.40351972,
"sellTotalAmount": 476494.0352,
"status": null,
"reason": null
Receive quote streams by subscribing to the quote
websocket. The websocket topic will constantly push new prices to the subscriber. To accept the quote, indicate the buy or sell quote Id using the /accept
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
op | string | Yes | Operation, in this case it is quote , unsubscribe-quote , or unsubscribe-quote-all |
symbol | string | Yes | Market symbol, refer to getMarkets API |
side | string | No | Quote side, buy or sell , case sensitive. Both sides will be returned when this field is empty/null |
clOrderId | string | No | Client custom order Id |
quantity | double | Yes | Order quantity |
currency | string | Yes | Can be either in the base or quote currency. If specified in the base currency, then the quote stream will respond with |
Response Content
Name | Type | Required | Description |
topic | string | Yes | Websocket topic |
buyQuoteId | string | No | Quote Id for the buy side. If the value is empty / null, it means that you websocket stream is not authenticated or you doesn't subscribe this side |
sellQuoteId | string | No | Quote Id for the sell side. If the value is empty / null, it means that you websocket stream is not authenticated or you doesn't subscribe this side |
clOrderId | string | Yes | User customer Order Id |
buyQuantity | double | No | Quantity to purchase based on the quote request. If the value is null, it means that you doesn't subscribe this side |
buyUnitPrice | double | No | Unit price per unit of the base symbol. If the value is null, it means that you doesn't subscribe this side |
buyTotalAmount | double | No | Total price to pay in quote currency. If the value is null, it means that you doesn't subscribe this side |
sellQuantity | double | No | Quantity to sell based on the quote request. If the value is null, it means that you doesn't subscribe this side |
sellUnitPrice | double | No | Unit price per unit of the base symbol. If the value is null, it means that you doesn't subscribe this side |
sellTotalAmount | double | No | Total price to pay in quote currency. If the value is null, it means that you doesn't subscribe this side |
status | string | No | Status of the response. If the value is null, it means that you doesn't subscribe this side |
reason | string | No | If an error is returned, the reason field will contain the reasons for the error |